The programs at Carbrook Centre are conceptualised in three areas: student wellbeing, education program and animal assisted learning. We are a trauma informed school and understand that students need to feel a sense of safety and belonging before they can learn and grow.
Student Wellbeing Program
Carbrook Centre takes a holistic approach to student wellbeing. We look at the whole person and identify areas where students need extra care and support.
We strive to continually improve our Student Wellbeing Program and partner with experts in the field to ensure our students are provided with the best care and opportunities to learn and grow.
The following are some elements of our Student Wellbeing Program:
Breakfast and healthy snacks provided to students daily
Multiple Circle times and individual check ins throughout the day
Social stories using animals and other real life learning
Ongoing positive social modelling from the Carbrook Centre team
Modelling how to solve problems using Restorative Practices
Community Lunch daily with opportunities to prepare and share in a meal
Weekly team meetings to discuss each student’s wellbeing (with professional input through the year)
Participation in student stakeholder meetings
Close partnership with families, carers and other student stakeholders
Agreed safe places for students to go to when they need to co-regulate
Supporting students to explore particular issues that relate to their wellbeing (with consideration to individual needs and trauma awareness)

Education Program
Carbrook Centre recognises that many students come to us following long periods of school disengagement, and therefore their confidence and engagement in learning has been diminished. Therefore, we prioritise a safe and supportive learning environment as the foundation to all learning. Our education program aims to engage and prepare students for life after schooling and seeks to equip them with the skills they will need for employment or further study.
The education program at Carbrook Centre is individualised to target the needs of each learner. We provide intensive support and intervention in literacy and numeracy. We also provide student support in developing work ready skills including supportive workplace experiences.

Animal Assisted Learning
The concept of animal assisted learning draws on a variety of approaches used in both therapeutic and educational settings. While a range of animals are incorporated into the program (e.g. dogs, chickens, goat and pig), horses are a significant component of the learning activities at Carbrook Centre.
Find out more about Animal Assisted Learning

Junior Program
The Junior Program (Years 7 to 10) is an individualised program which aims to develop students' functional skills in literacy and numeracy. Along with this, students engage in project-based inquiry as part of their core curriculum where students engage in learning through exploring. The planning for these units draws on two or three Australian Curriculum learning areas or subjects, tying them together into integrated units.
Senior Program
In Years 11 – 12, students engage in individualised programs consisting of either Short Courses, Applied Subjects or VET courses in line with the student’s Senior Education Training (SET) plan. SET Planning is essential to ensuring that a senior program is designed to meet both the individual student’s learning needs as well as post-school aspirations. Students are offered pathways to obtain Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or the Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA).