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Download Keyword Map Pro 1.75 __EXCLUSIVE__ Full Free

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Download Keyword Map Pro 1.75 __EXCLUSIVE__ Full Free

Access to the country-level data and the metadata ensures full transparency with respect to the data and methodologies used for global reporting. The Database and metadata repository are maintained by the Statistics Division while the data and metadata are provided by international agencies and entities, also referred to as custodian agencies in accordance with their mandates. The combination of related keywords with different technology classifications available for patents viz. IPC (International Patent Classification), CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification) and F-term classification is used to define each technology/search topic.

Yes. Every search will be individually defined and made available to download in the product. The search fields will be explained in a description, by keywords, and key CPCs. Moreover, the mapping between search fields and the U.N. targets and indicators will be shared. 1e1e36bf2d


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