Introduction To Autonomous Mobile Robots 2nd Edition Pdf Download ((TOP))
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Introduction To Autonomous Mobile Robots 2nd Edition Pdf Download ((TOP))
This second edition has been revised and updated throughout, with 130 pages of new material on such topics as locomotion, perception, localization, and planning and navigation. Problem sets have been added at the end of each chapter. Bringing together all aspects of mobile robotics into one volume,Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robotscan serve as a textbook or a working tool for beginning practitioners.
Course Autonomous Mobile RobotsBachelor Artificial IntelligenceThis is the information of Fall 2016That year the course was given by Arnoud Visser. The course is still given in 2021-2022, with Herke van Hoof and Shaodi You as lecturers. The information of the year 2015 is also still available.DescriptionThe description is available in the course catalogue with code AUMR6Y. The course is a free choice in the Bachelor Artificial Intelligence Curriculum. Contents This course gives an introduction in the fundamentals of mobile robotics, spanning the mechanical, motor, sensory, perceptual, and cognitive layers the field comprises. The focus will be on the mechanisms that allow a mobile robot to move through a real world environment to perform its tasks. It synthesizes material from the fields of kinematics, control theory, signal analysis, computer vision, information theory, artificial intelligence and probability theory.This course is based on the book 'Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots', from Prof. Dr. Roland Yves Siegwart, Prof. Dr. Illah R. Nourbakhsh and Prof. Dr. Davide Scaramuzza. The assignments are all based on the Matlab environment.This YouTube lectures give a short introduction to the Matlab environment:the workspace, variables, vectors, colon operator, matrices, concatenating, matrix initialization. ScheduleThe official schedule should be found at mytimetable or datanose.The Studio Class Room is scheduled on Thursday and Friday, from 9u00 to 13u00 (first half). The schedule in the second half is condensed to two weeks (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). The Studio Class Room will be a combination of lectures, book exercises and assignments. Chapter 1-4 of the book will be introduced by Toto van Inge. Chapter 5-6 will be covered by Arnoud Visser.Students, who were not able to attend a lecture, can catch up by listing to the recordings of my lectures (in Dutch). Download Lecturnity Player and listen to lecture, synchronized with the sheets.For the assignments not only a solution is expected, but also a rational. The experiments performed to solve the given problem should be described in a lab report, which will be graded based on the following criteria.Week 44: Chapter 1 & 2 - Introduction & Locomotion Solve OpenLoop steering assignment, including RWTH Toolbox Installation Instructions.Week 44: Chapter 3 - Kinematics Week 45: Chapter 4.1 Sensors for Mobile RobotsWeek 45: Chapter 4.2 Fundamentals of Computer Vision   SolveAssignment 3, matlab files, camera snapshots.Week 46: Chapter 4.3-4.5 Feature ExtractionWeek 46: Chapter 4.6-4.7 Place Recognition Week 47: Partial Exam Week 48: Chapter 5.1-5.5 The Challenge of Localization including YouTube lecture Solve Localization assignment, Matlab code, color picker and two locally recorded datasets (one for training and one for testing)Extra: 5 december recordings: (training set and testing set) and the 2014 Dataset from Areg.Week 48: Chapter 5.6 Probabilistic Map Based Localization Week 49: Chapter 5.6.8 Kalman Filter Localization including YouTube lecture and Kalman Filter Geometric Approach (Slides and Dutch recording) Only slides 9-45.Note the slightly different notation for the intermediate prediction; x(k+1k) by Choset et al.and x(t) by Thrun/Siegwart et al.Week 49: Chapter 5.8 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (part I and part II)YouTube lecture EKF-SLAM, YouTube lecture Monocular SLAM SolveAssignment 4, with provided Logger, Example log, Matlab files and a locally recorded d