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Since 1998 the Allianz Group has been drawing up its financial statements according to the International Accounting Standards (IAS). Since 2002 the designation "International Financial Reporting Standards" (IFRS) applies to the overall framework of all standards approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

Thus the accounting of the Allianz Group is comparable with that of its international peers. The annual financial statement of Allianz SE is drawn up in keeping with the requirements of the HGB (Handelsgesetzbuch = Generally Accepted German Accounting Principles).

The 2020 NSDUH Detailed Tables present national estimates of substance use and mental health. Tables in different sections present data from 2019 and 2020 and data from 2002 to 2020. These tables present information for differences across population subgroups in 2020. In addition, they present information for youths aged 12 to 17 and adults aged 18 or older (separately and combined) on drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, as well as substance use disorder (SUD), risk and availability of substance use, treatment, health topics, and the perceived effects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Please refer to Chapters 3 and 4 of the Methodological Summary and Definitions report for more information.

Since Hong Kong Disneyland opened in September 2005, it has entertained millions of guests from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Southeast Asia and abroad. As the first Disney resort in China, it features award-winning entertainment and guest services specially-designed for an international audience, brought to life by a multilingual Cast.

In what was my 30th year at IHG - and my fifth as CEO - I will remember 2022 as one of significant achievements delivered by our extraordinary colleagues around the world, which illustrated our ability to strengthen returns and enhance our culture, operations and reputation.

Recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic gathered pace in 2022, with demand returning strongly as restrictions lifted in most markets. Significant investments were made across our enterprise, including in our brands, loyalty offer, digital platforms and sustainability, as we continue to focus on enhancing the guest experience, growing our estate and driving owner returns.

The global hotel industry continued to demonstrate a high degree of resilience through the macroeconomic uncertainties of 2022. As we move into 2023, the capacity for long-term structural growth is clear, illustrated by sustained new hotel openings and signings.

When metadata records are formatted to a common standard, it facilitates the location and readability of the metadata by both humans and machines. NSDI Stakeholders have long utilized the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). However, Circular A-119 Revised directs agencies to use voluntary consensus standards in lieu of government-unique standards. Furthermore, Circular A-16 promotes the use of international standards to advance the building of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI). Several ISO metadata standards are now endorsed by the FGDC and federal agencies and NSDI Stakeholders are encouraged to make the transition to ISO metadata.

The spa market is one of the large hit markets in 2020 due to the sudden COVID-19 pandemic. The tourism, accommodation, and food and beverages service sectors, which performed well during 2019, have slowed down due to the lockdowns and the temporary ban on international travel and domestic travel restrictions across the world. The spa market records a sudden drop in revenue and is reviving comparatively slow due to the second wave of the virus across many nations.

Become more immersed in the places and cultures of your favorite destinations with the addition of a pre- or post-trip extension to your National Geographic Expedition Cruise.\n","themes":["title":"IGUAZÚ FALLS EXTENSION","short_description":"Pre- or Post-trip, 5 Days\nSpend several days exploring the larg


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