Download Java 6 Se Runtime For Mac
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On a macOS Catalina version 10.15.7 I'm trying to use the tabulizer package to extract a table from a .pdf and it is crashing RStudio and also crashing R (if I run it outside Rstudio). I get an error that says "To open 'RStudio' you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime".
I tried to go to the java page and see if I could get an older version of Java (thought this seems sub-optimal) and it asked me where I want to put it saying it couldn't run both Java's on my machine.
Prior to JDK 15, you need to explicitly add JDK's "bin" into the PATH. Starting from JDK 15, the installation process adds the directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath" to the PATH. The "javapath" directory is a link to "javapath_target_xxxxxx", which contains a copy of the following JDK programs:
Source code for JDK is provided and kept in "\lib\" (or "\" prior to JDK 9). I strongly recommend that you to go through some of the source files such as "", "", and "", under "java\lang", to learn how experts program.
Native libraries are not involved in the compilation. But if they are not properly included during runtime time, you will get a runtime error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xxx in java.library.path".
Multiple Java Development Kit builds are available for download and installation. Oracle maintains the original, closed source Oracle JDK, but the company also helps develop the open source version of the environment called OpenJDK.
Full tutorial and reference documentation for TOPCAT is provided bySUN/253, the user document.This is available within the program at runtime via the context-sensitive and searchable help system, or in the following forms within the distribution or on the web:Multi-page HTML documentSingle-page HTML documentZipped HTML document (7.8M)PDF document (7.1M)
TOPCAT is written in the Java language using theJava 2 Standard Edition version 8,and should run on any Java SE 8 or more recent system.This means it can be run on a wide range of platforms, without requiringany recompilation - you just need to ensure that you have asuitable Java Runtime Environment (JRE).If you don't have Java installed, or have an unsuitable version, you can obtain the Java SE for Linux, Mac OS X, MS Windows and Solaris fromOracle's web site(you only need the "JRE" rather than the "JDK" download,unless you will be doing development work).Java SE Runtime Enviroments (sometimes called JVMs or Java Virtual Machines)for other platforms may be available from operating system vendors.OpenJDK is also suitable.
If starting TOPCAT fails with an error likejava.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError,you have a version of Java that is too old, and you shouldupgrade to Java 8 or later.If you're unable or unwilling to do that and you only have therather ancient Java 6, you can still use TOPCAT versionv4.6-3 or older.
Having got Java, There are several ways to download TOPCAT, described in rough order of advisability in the following subsections.More information on how to run the program having obtained itcan be found in SUN/253's section on Invoking TOPCAT.
The most convenient form for downloading is to pick up a single Jar file containingthe required classes:topcat-full.jar (36.8M) - standard versiontopcat-lite.jar (30.2M) - slightly slimmed down version missing a few rarely-used featurestopcat-extra.jar (52.3M) - bloated version including Parquet file format support
On Unix-like operating systems, download one or other of thesejar files and the startup script topcat into the same directory, then "chmod +x topcat", and you can just run the command: topcatOn non-Unix systems the script won't work, and you can use a command like: java -jar topcat-*.jaror invoke it in some other system-dependent way such as by clicking on it.
For many users, topcat-lite will provide all the featuresthey need. The optional extras provided by topcat-full include:Treeview-like hierarchy browsingSoG image viewer (though you still need JAI for it to work)MySpace and SRB remote file browsing for table load/saveEven topcat-full lacks a few of the niche features (proper coordinate handling in SoG, NDF viewing in hierarchy view,parquet support),since these require native libraries; for these you will need theFull Starjava installation described below,or topcat-extra if you just want parquet.
WebStart is a Java technology which enables one-click download,installation, updating and invocation of Java applications over the web. It's quite convenient, but somewhat deprecated or completely missingin more recent versions of Java, and sometimes doesn't work properly.If you have Java's WebStart installed, you can install and invokeTOPCAT in one click from one of the following links:Webstart invocation: topcat-full (36.8M), topcat-lite (30.2M) See the comments in the previous item for the difference betweentopcat-lite and topcat-full.
When it works well, WebStart can make download and running very easy.Sometimes however it seems to cause trouble that is difficult to diagnose,and it's also being phased out in later Java versions,so the standalone jar file is generallyrecommended instead.
If you want the most comprehensive installation then download andunpack the full starjava tree in one of the following forms:starjava compressed tar archive (219.2M)starjava zip archive (219.2M)These archives include related applications such asSPLAT,SoG andTreeview.You can run TOPCAT using the starjava/bin/topcat script(Unix) or by running java -jar starjava/lib/topcat/topcat.jar.
So what does this mean exactly Base (the database component) relies completely on Java technologies to run, but otherprograms (like Writer, Calc and Impress) only need Java for special functionality. If you do not need to use Base and donot want to use any of the Wizards, then you do not need to have Java installed and configured for running ApacheOpenOffice (and older versions of You can completely prevent OpenOffice from prompting you about the useof Java by telling OpenOffice not to use a Java runtime environment (JRE). From the OpenOffice main menu use:"Tools - Options... - Java", and uncheck "Use a Java runtime environment". However, we do recommendthat you have a JRE on your system to take full advantage of OpenOffice's features without any issues.
You will need to have a JRE version (32-bit or 64-bit) that is compatible with the architecture of the ApacheOpenOffice version you downloaded. If you already have a JRE installed on your system that satisfies this requirement inone of the standard areas for Java installation, OpenOffice should detect this installation and let you choose it for usein OpenOffice via the "Tools - Options... - Java". If you have a JRE installed that is not detected,you should be able to add it through this same menu. And, you can install a JRE or configure OpenOffice to use Java at anytime to get missing functionality to work.
The current versions of Apache OpenOffice work reliably with a variety of JREs includingOracle Java, versions 6, 7 and 8,openJDK, versions 6, 7 and 8 andAdoptium OpenJDK, versions 8 and 11. Feel free to download a JRE from either of these sitesif you feel you need this functionality.
Because JMeter is pure Java desktop application, it requires a fully compliant JVM 6 or higher. You can download and install the latest version of Java SE Development Kit. Download Java Platform (JDK)
As of this writing, the latest version of JMeter is Apache JMeter 4.2. You can download it here But this tutorial demos installation of version 2.9, the install process remains the same.
By default, trying to install java without specifying a version will resolve to the most common stable version of the OpenJDK JRE. As you can see from this output, as of this writing, that is java-1.8.0-openjdk:
More recently, OpenJDK changed its version numbering scheme to track more closely with Oracle Java releases. In order to install a newer version of OpenJDK, you can specify the version number in the package name, just like with 1.8.0. For example, in order to install OpenJDK 17, you can yum install java-17-openjdk:
As before, you can install the full JDK environment by appending -devel to the package name. However, after this, running java programs will still use the OpenJDK 1.8.0 version that you installed earlier by default, which you can confirm by running java -version again:
If you installed multiple versions of Java, you may want to set one as your default (i.e. the one that will run when a user runs the java command). Additionally, some applications require certain environment variables to be set to locate which installation of Java to use.
Enter the a selection number to choose which java executable should be used by default. It will rearrange the necessary symbolic links on your system to ensure that the java command points to the correct set of libraries. You can re-run this command as needed, and the output of java -version should change accordingly:
For example, if you installed Java to (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- (i.e. your java executable is located at (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-, you could set your JAVA_HOME environment variable in a bash shell or script like so:
Throughout this section we will be using the wget command to download the Oracle Java software packages. wget may not be included by default on your Linux distribution, so in order to follow along you will need to install it by running:
Note: In order to install Oracle Java, you will need to go to the Oracle Java Downloads Page, accept the license agreement, and copy the download link of the appropriate Linux x86 .rpm package. Substitute the copied download link in place of the highlighted part of the wget command. 153554b96e